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The 3dr Israeli Conference on Robotics ICR2010

The Israeli Conference on Robotics gained momentum with the second edition that was held at the Airforce Conference Center in Herzliya.  The guests of honor were Knesset Member (then) Meir Shitrit, Chair, Committee on Science and Technology, Prof. Itzik Ben Israel, Chair, National Council on Research and Development (MOLMOP), Brig. Gen. Eitan Eshel Head, R&D, DDR&D, (MAFAT).  The keynote speakers were  Prof. Bradley Nelson, ETH Zurich, Dr. Roland Menassa, GM R&D, Prof. Shimon Nof, Purdue University, and Dr. Jocelyne Troccaz, TIMC-IMAG Laboratory, Grenoble.



Prof. Zvi Shiller

IROB founder and Chair. Professor at Ariel University and founder of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics and the Paslin Robotics and Autonomous Vehicle Laboratory. Head of the Master program in Mechanical Engineering. His main research interests include model-based motion planning and control of autonomous vehicles, and the development of affordable assistive robotic devices.